The Nimrod Crash, Islam, 9/11+5 and President Bush
Sad news of the Nimrod MR2 crash in Afghanistan a few days ago. Especially touching for me, as I was onboard an operational Nimrod from this same squadron, with some of our RAF Air Cadets earlier this summer. I was so fascinated with the Nimrod and its dedicated crew, and took loads of pictures (which are stuck on my digital camera right now- will post them later). The aircraft is based on the Comet, which was the 1st passenger jet aircraft ever to enter service.
We remember the families who are grieving at this moment, as they attempt to come to terms with their loss. May the comfort of the Holy Sprit enwrap them closely, and may they find grace to help in time of need. May sensitive counsellors be with them, who may lead them to drink from the Living Waters.
New York:
Also, as I write, my dear friend Dr. Bruce Porter from Littleton, Colorado is standing at Ground Zero, being interviewed by the 700 Club for a special they are airing on 11th. May God grant great wisdom to Bruce and the on-camera presenters and crew. We must remain resolute; but at the same time, remain full of compassion. This is the “battle of the ages” and we all are a part of it. May all of you be surrounded by God’s love as we remember, and may this short presentation bring comfort and help us reflect.
Bruce arrived back in USA after 10 days working on the front lines with the bereaved and hurting in Israel. I’m sure Bruce would endorse this: Never be ashamed of your support for Israel. Unfortunately, some voices in the Churches are becoming very vocal in putting Israelis down. They are a downtrodden minority, with neighbours who have a declared and open intent to never rest until Israel is annihilated. My support for Israel does not mean a blanket condoning of every policy and every action. But it does need to mean compassionate care, concern, support and prayer. So, let’s re-affirm our prayers for "the peace of Jerusalem” – the City of Peace.
President Bush:
I’m already out on a limb with my pro-Israeli comments (above) so I may as well also lend support for President George W. Bush as well. On the 7th August 2006, he said:
“It is the great challenge of this century and it's this: As young democracies flourish, terrorists try to stop their progress. And it's the great challenge of the United States and others who are blessed with living in free countries. Not only do terrorists try to stop the advance of democracy through killing innocent people within those countries, they also try to shape the will of the western world by killing innocent westerners. They try to spread their jihadist message -- a message I call, it's totalitarian in nature -- Islamic radicalism, Islamic fascism, they try to spread it as well by taking the attack to those of us who love freedom.” (White House Press Office)
Plain speaking – and in my view, it needed to be said! In this instance, he did not call the Moslem people Islamic fascists; he was referring to the jihadist message (which is a part of Islamic faith) promoted by extremists. (I am aware he has used similar language on I believe 2 other occasions – I’m limiting my comment to this verifiable source.)
It is time we become clear on the threat we are facing, and in that respect, I am glad that Mr. Bush made these remarks. Some of us in Britain have been so back-peddling this that my support may come as a jolt of electricity to some of you reading this. I will qualify it only by re-affirming that which is known by those who know me personally – that we love the Islamic people and work with them every way we can. Most of all, we desire them to come lovingly to the arms of Jesus, who is mighty to save.
However, as a religious system of belief, let’s not ignore the clear facts that Islam is founded upon principles of violent conflict that originated with the practices of Mohammed himself, so “extremism” is at the core of its faith. Yes, Christianity as a religion has much to be repented of. Let's not make excuses for the excesess of the Crusades; or the Great Inquisition for instance. But there is a significant difference: these were aberrations to the true faith -- this is not at all a picture of the faith that Jesus taught or practiced.
In Britain, I’m glad we still have some freedom of speech, and therefore am thankful I'm allowed to speak my perceptions. I’ve stayed silent too long. I will still be tolerant, caring and supportive toward all. Closing thought: Christianity is not a religion but rather a transformation.
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