Faith's Journey

True faith can never be a static belief in dogma. Rather, faith speaks of entering a relationship of trust and obedience with Divine Revelation; of being transformed by personal contact with that which is intangible; the unseen. Therefore, subjective feeling is not enough. The quest is to find the meeting place where subjective experience meets the objectivity of Truth. That is Faith's Journey; where all is summed up in the totality of Christ.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Orthodox or Evangelical?

This could almost be the inside of an Orthodox Church. Actually, it is the prayer room at St. Paul's Hammersmith, a charismatic Anglican church that is closely aligned with Holy Trinity Brompton, creators of the internationally acclaimed Alpha Course. St. Paul's have this evening concluded a week of prayer, and a central focus has been this 48 hour prayer vigil area. The pieces of paper are prayer requests, and the wall hanging in the background has scripture lovingly hand crafted. The overall atmosphere is very similar to an Orthodox approach to worship, and reveals what on the surface of things, seems like an unlikely convergence. Actually, many evangelical Christians both here (UK) and in the States are beginning to reconsider the claims of the historic Church tradition, which has been preserved through 2,000 years of continuous worship in Orthodoxy.


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